5 weeks
Google Forms
Easy Meal is an in-class case study aimed at designing an impactful interface specifically for the University of Arkansas campus, with the potential for broader use by college students everywhere. The Easy Meal app was developed in response to the significant issue of food insecurity on college campuses. It is designed to address and mitigate the challenges students face, including cost, time constraints, and limited cooking knowledge. It is estimated that one in three college students experience food insecurity in the United States.

Empathize - Exploring the Users Needs

My first stage was to gather secondary research, which consisted of articles and books that covered a wide range of topics including bias women face, improving health through exorcise and diet, getting harmful chemicals out of the body, and fixing the menstrual cycle.

In my primary research I chose to conduct a survey  and several interviews to gather user needs and common pain points. I found that 85 percent of those surveyed have experienced symptoms of a hormonal imbalance and most participant said they would benefit from lifestyle advice that catered to their specific menstrual needs. based on the data irregular cycles, irregular mood, and severe pain were the 3 most common concerns.

Define - Establishing  the users needs

Persona Development

I developed two distinct personas for this case study, informed by my research. The first persona represents a graduate student dedicated to improving her health and learning to cook. The second persona highlights an undergraduate student facing significant food insecurity and seeking assistance with budgeting. This approach allows me to explore the diverse needs and challenges of students in relation to their food experiences.

Ideate - Creating the framework



prototype - Creating the framework

WIREFRAMING & prototyping

testing - Usability and final touches

I conducted multiple rounds of usability testing during both the wireframing and high-fidelity prototyping stages. Based on user feedback, I made several key adjustments. For example, I added a 'Select All' and 'Unselect All' button when users were adding ingredients to their cart. I also tested various designs for the pantry pages to determine which layout resonated most with users. Below are some of the final changes I implemented.